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Nuestras entradas:

Weerapong Chaipuck

Asia is a beautiful and mysterious continent with breathtaking landscapes and deep-rooted traditions. This is exactly how photographer Weerapong Chaipuck shows it in his photos. Looking at his work, it is hard to believe that he took up photography only after an early retirement from the medical profession.
His main interest is travel and landscape photography, through which he shows us the beauty of our world. “To create a project, you must do homework about the place; which season and period of time are optimal for taking photographs, what is the vantage point, which lens should be used, and what your post production process is going to look like,” – says Chaipuck. And that homework has paid off with well-executed and stunningly atmospheric shots.
Although he uses a lot of Photoshop and other production techniques to create his star trail photos, he says that the atmospheric qualities of his shots are thanks to knowing the right time of day to shoot. “When shooting landscapes, it is 100% natural, and pinpointing the exact time of day to shoot, whether that be 30 minutes before the sun begins to rise or 30 minutes before sunset, is a constant challenge. But that’s also what makes it all worth it,” he says.
Enjoy the amazing photos in 500px page .

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El artículo Weerapong Chaipuck fue publicado por Maica el martes, 17 de junio de 2014. Esperamos que le sea de alguna utilidad o interés. Gracias por su visita y no olvide dejar su comentario antes de partir. Hasta el momento hay 0 comentarios: en el post Weerapong Chaipuck

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